Monday, June 1, 2015

Pigheaded Fella

Angitya Pangestika

SARAH, 25, a pretty, diligent, headstrong young woman
LINDA, 25, a pretty and caring young woman
JEFF, 27, a good looking and nice young man
BOSS, 47, a fat, short, petulant man

SCENE 1. SARAH and her BOSS are having a private meeting in his spacious office. They are sitting face to face with a large desk separating us. There is a computer and some files on the desk. In the corner of the room, there is a tall book shelf. Overall, the room is spacious yet very neat. It is in the morning, just before lunch break, when BOSS summons SARAH to his office. He says that he has a very important job for her. SARAH and her BOSS do not get along well in these past few months. It seems to him that all SARAH does always contradict him when in fact she just voices out different opinions. So she thinks the job must be related to the issue.

SARAH (asking disbelievingly). I’m sorry, did I just hear that you’re going to send me to Somalia?
BOSS. Yes, you did. I want you to make a full coverage about the condition of civilians there.
SARAH. I understand that we, reporters, are supposed to make updates on world issues. But why this Somali task is given to me?
BOSS (a bit mocking). Well, isn’t it clear that I want to give another chance to you to prove that you are indeed a proficient reporter? Besides, you like to challenge me, don’t you? You can consider this as one of my challenges for you.
SARAH. How long will I be in Somalia, then?
BOSS. You’ll be there for two weeks, and you’re supposed to go next month. The thing is you are going there alone. I still give you time to think about this job, though. I give you three days to make a final decision. Now you can start to think about it and by this I mean you are dismissed.

SCENE 2. SARAH walks out of her BOSS’ office. While walking towards her desk, which is located in the far corner of the room just outside the BOSS’ office, she bursts out her restrained anger.

SARAH (ranting fumingly to herself). How can he have the thought of sending me to the most unsafe place on the planet? Not to mention that I am going there alone. Is he out of his mind? Seriously, this is the cheapest way of challenging people. But I am not going to back down, I will prove him that I am truly a proficient reporter and he is the one lacking of better judgment

SCENE 3. It is lunch break, and SARAH is having a cup of coffee in a coffee shop near her office. The coffee shop is nice and comfortable. In the middle of the room, straight from the entrance, lies the coffee bar stool with the baristas brewing coffee in the coffee machines busily. The cashier counter is also there. Taylor Swift’s song “Style” is filling the room as the background music, creating a more relaxing and comfortable atmosphere. SARAH’s table is near the window in the left of entrance door. SARAH sits there with her best friend, LINDA. She tells her everything about the job and LINDA listens to her carefully.

SARAH. And that’s it, so what do you think?
LINDA (answering firmly). The decision is clear, then. You shouldn’t accept this job.
SARAH (half exclaiming). What? I should Linda, my pride is at stake!
LINDA (looking straight at SARAH and explaining carefully). Sarah look, this is Somalia we’re talking about. It’s a war zone, the most dangerous place in the world at the moment. Your boss is just being ridiculous and so are you if you accept this job. It’s not merely about your pride; it’s your safety that is at stake. You are a woman, you can’t wander around in the war land alone.
SARAH (insisting). I know that, Linda. But this job is very important for me, it can be my promotion. I can take care of myself. I am a strong woman and as a bestfriend you should support me instead of discouraging me like this.
LINDA (slamming the table and standing up). You are the most stubborn person I’ve had ever known! You are not thinking clearly, your pride is overshadowing your rational thinking. Can’t you try to be prudent for once? Seriously, you are insufferable! (She storms out of the place without looking back).
SARAH (a bit shocked and bewildered). What did I do wrong? Why can she be so mad over this issue? It’s not like she is the one going to Somalia, it’s me. If she thinks the job is that dangerous, isn’t she supposed to just tell me to be extra careful? No need to be furious. Huh, I don’t care. I am taking the job anyway.

SCENE 4. When she comes back from her office, SARAH immediately tells her parents about the job. As expected, they both tell her to reject the job. Their reason is basically the same as what LINDA has told her. SARAH is upset and dejected. She leaves her parents and locks herself in her room.
Inside her room, SARAH sits on the bed with laptop on her lap. She is browsing the internet to look for news related to Somalia created by other agencies.

SARAH (looking intently at her laptop). See, all the news that the other agencies made is full of craps. (scrolling the mouse). The news is either too provocative or too bias for public consumption. My decision is final then. I am taking this job and I am determined to create more truthful yet invigorating news, unlike all of this crappy coverage. Now it’s time to prepare my physical and mental readiness to face the chaos.

SCENE 5. It is one o’clock, the perfect time for lunch break. SARAH is standing near the entrance of the coffee shop. She scans the room, looking for someone. This morning LINDA called her to apologize and asked SARAH to meet her in the coffee shop during lunch break, so here she is.
The coffee shop looks as usual with baristas busy serving coffees in the counter and soft background music is playing. SARAH looks to her left but she doesn’t see LINDA there, only some couples filling the left spot of the room. She turns her head to the right and scans the spot. There on the corner of the room near the window sits LINDA and a man. SARAH does not know who the man is because his back is facing her. They are having a conversation so they don’t aware of SARAH’s presence. SARAH approaches them and as she gets there she is surprised to see that the man is actually LINDA’s boyfriend, JEFF. Both LINDA and JEFF stand up and look at SARAH.

SARAH. Jeff! How are you? (hugging him for awhile). I thought you were abroad? (breaks the hug and sits beside LINDA who is already sitting).
JEFF (sitting down). I’m fine Sarah. I’ve just come back three days ago.
LINDA (looking at SARAH). I was just about to tell you about his homecoming yesterday when you came up with your news.
SARAH (mumbling). Oh…
LINDA (straightening herself). Listen, the reason I want you to meet me and Jeff has something to do with your job. He just came back from Somalia…(she is cut by SARAH).
SARAH . Really? (curiously). You said… (it is her turn to be interrupted by LINDA).
LINDA. I know, right. Listen to me first Sarah (SARAH nodding). I also did not know Jeff went to Somalia until he came back three days ago. Just like me, all I know is that Jeff went abroad to search for news. But it turns out he went to Somalia. He went to the war zone, for God’s sake! I…I…was…I don’t know…(LINDA’s voice is quivering and she starts sobbing).
JEFF (grabbing LINDA’s hand and soothing her). Shush, it’s okay Linda. I am here now, calm down. (looking at SARAH). You know Sarah, I was and still am so sorry for going there. And I am also sorry for keeping this a secret. But I want you to know that the condition in Somalia is horrible. It’s worse than what you can imagine. Nobody can sleep tight at night, there is anything but safety even in the daylight. I saw innocent men and women being slaughtered even children became the victim of bombing...
SARAH (slamming the table, standing up and shouting). What the hell, Jeff! What is your intention actually? (LINDA grabs her hand and tries to pull her down to sit but SARAH resists). If you are just telling me what a hell Somalia is, you better stopped right here right now because I know how the condition is. I am a reporter after-all, I report news for God sake! (SARAH is panting but she finally sits down).
JEFF (mouthing apology to the other customers then facing SARAH). Calm down Sarah, we didn’t mean to stop you from reporting news. We just care about you. We don’t want you to get hurt over a petty thing.
SARAH (snapping). Petty thing? Jeff you know how valuable news is. And you know how important this job is for my career. (raising her voice). Just because I am a woman doesn’t mean I can’t protect myself! (the customers are once again looking at their table).
LINDA (nudging SARAH). Sarah, stop it. You’re making a scene.
JEFF (handing a flashdisk to SARAH). Here, take this Sarah.
SARAH (asking nonchalantly). What is it? (taking the flash disk and scrutinizing it).
JEFF. It’s what I got from Somalia. All the photographs, the reports, the journal I wrote are in there. I want you to study it and let’s see if that can change your mind. Believe me, this Somali task is not the only opportunity to brighten your career. There’s gotta be more in the future.
LINDA (looking puzzled at JEFF). Whaa…(stopping because JEFF giving her a look that signaling to keep quiet).

SCENE 6. It is night time and SARAH is checking on the flash disk from JEFF. As usual, she sits on her bed and her laptop is in front of her.

SARAH (fixing her gaze on her laptop). Let’s see what Jeff has here. (opening the journal and reading it). “So here is Somalia, it is bla bla bla” (scrolling the mouse) well Jeff I don’t think I need this. (still scrolling but suddenly startled). Wait, what does he say? “As I was taking picture of a collapsed building some militants arrested me. I was dragged by several men and put to jail. I was arrested for several days and left in a state of starvation. It was a good thing I wasn’t executed, though.” Oh my God, Jeff! (speechless).
SARAH (continue reading). “I was freed after I told the reason I took the picture to one of the militia that could speak English. He explained to his leader and asked him to release me because I meant no harm.” (exhaling deeply). Oh my it’s seriously scary. Why do I never think of the possibility of being arrested? Linda’s right and so are mom and dad, I can’t let pride took over my rational thinking. I shouldn’t take this job, it’s like I’m signing on my death pact. (shaking her head and shivering a bit). No, no, no. Anyway now that I think about it, is it the boss intention to get rid of me? Does he hate me so much that he wants to endanger me? (shrugging). Whatever, I’ll get the answer from him tomorrow. (looking at her laptop) Thanks friends.

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